Expediente e Editorial
Vol 4 No 01 (2020)Welcome to Journal of Experimental and Technique Instrumentation
Editor: Paulo de Sousa Carvalho Jr. Crystallographer and Crystal engineering research, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil.
The Journal of Experimental and Techniques - JETI- is a peer-reviewed online journal published by the Material science Graduation Program of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. JETI reports on the fundamentals of experimental techniques and instrumentation development applied to creation of new materials and ones with improved performances. Thus, it promotes the scientific dissemination of technology for utilities and academia applications related to physics, chemistry, materials and engineering sciences.
Vol 3 No 01 (2020)Welcome to Journal of Experimental and Technique Instrumentation
Editor: Paulo de Sousa Carvalho Jr. Crystallographer and Crystal engineering research, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil.
The Journal of Experimental and Techniques - JETI- is a peer-reviewed online journal published by the Material science Graduation Program of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. JETI reports on the fundamentals of experimental techniques and instrumentation development applied to creation of new materials and ones with improved performances. Thus, it promotes the scientific dissemination of technology for utilities and academia applications related to physics, chemistry, materials and engineering sciences.
Vol 1 No 1 (2018)
Our first issue:
For those who take a career in academia, they will face great demands on their production rates. From the selection process to the entry to the competition for approval of research projects and publication of papers in indexed journals.
In the search for such indexes of academic productivity, it is common to observe a smaller depth of analysis of the results presented by the researchers, generating extensive works with numerous results, but with superficial analyzes.
Not only has superficiality reached the experimental analyzes, but also a growing number of methodological errors have been committed and reproduced in the works, associated with the misuse of experimental techniques and methods that are not the domain of the researcher.
The JETI - Journal of Experimental Techniques and Instrumentation arises in this context, in order to clarify and diffuse methods and techniques widely used in research. Thus, a material of easy, fast and wide access for the development of the works.
In addition, JETI seeks to enable the dissemination of devices developed by researchers in their research, which are extremely useful to the scientific community, but often do not enter the scope of the journals and are eventually ignored for publication.
In this way, the JETI will allow beginning researchers access to the key questions for their research through access to a broad and direct knowledge of experimental techniques, methods and instruments.