• Rafael Sousa Meira UFC
  • Jean Mari Felizardo
Keywords: Malfunction; Processes management; logistical planning, logistical planning, Malfuuncion, Breakdown; Processes management; logistical planning


ABSTRACT: When transporting beverages, extra care with the goods is necessary, taking into account the adequacy of transport, organization and packaging, considering that it is during loading that damage may occur on routes that correspond to damaged products and groups suitable for consumption, when these recommendations are not followed. This study aims to analyze the mapping of damaged products through the PDCA at the Distribution Center in Fortaleza. Given the scenario presented in this work, it will take into account all existing losses that were previously mapped in the Beverage Distribution Center of the commercial Fortaleza warehouse, which can contribute to management decision-making through changes in the warehouse's operational routines , making it important to differentiate is excellence. The case study carried out is justified by the need to measure, map and act in the management of product breakages that occur in the beverage warehouse in the Distribution Center. A research adopts a mathematical method of quantitative approach of descriptive statistical analysis. In the study, a survey was used, in which the participants participate daily in closed and objective ones. Through the analysis of the results generated by the research (closed questions), the Excel data and analysis package was used to have a global analysis of the obtained results, and, based on the data, to elaborate a process analysis using the PDCA method.


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