From Evas to Melindrosas

Tailoresses, fashionistas and aesthetic cosmopolitanism in Portugal and Brazil between the two wars

Keywords: tailoresses; fashionistas; aesthetic cosmopolitanism; between the two wars.


The purpose of this article is to understand how tailoresses/fashionistas, between the two wars, served as a gateway to modernism and aesthetic cosmopolitanism in Portugal and Brazil, while also highlighting the ways in which these women managed the tension between their insertion in the labor market and the hegemonic norms of the time about femininity. In addition to a social analysis of fashion and modernism, through the analysis of texts and archives of the period, we will seek to analyze how the latest fashion news that arrived in the two countries and how (and by whom) they were appropriated, focusing both on the differences between the times - in 1926, the Republic collapsed in Portugal and a military dictatorship took over - both in the similarities between the two countries. 


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How to Cite
GUERRA, P. From Evas to Melindrosas. albuquerque: journal of history, v. 15, n. 29, p. 84-104, 2 Sep. 2023.