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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Is the contribution original and unpublished, and is it not being evaluated for publication by another journal? Otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • Is the submission file in Microsoft Word or RTF format?
  • Have URLs for referrals been provided when necessary?
  • Does the text follow the journal's norms, style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page?
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), were the instructions available in ensuring blind peer review followed?
  • Were the cited references inserted at the end of the text, in a pattern provided in the Guidelines for Authors?
    We remind you that the references must also be copied in a text box when filling in the metadata at the time of submission.
  • It is required fill in the biography providing the link to curriculum Lattes (except foreigners) and ORCID.
  • The manuscripts submitted and, if accepted and published, have their copyright ceded to the journal. The articles published here are free to use, intended for educational and non-commercial applications.

Author Guidelines

Contributions must be submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), at https://periodicos.ufms.br/index.php/AlbRHis


IMPORTANT: All contributions submitted by the platform may not be in the process of simultaneous evaluation by any other periodical.


The journal submits all manuscripts received to Turnitin for detection of plagiarism.



  1. Are received in a continuous flow, without any cost for submission and processing. They must have between 15 and 25 pages, typed in Times New Roman font, size 12 and 1.5 spacing, 2.5 cm margins, in a program compatible with Word for Windows.
  2. Citations: those with up to three lines should be included in the body of the text, without italics and be marked with quotation marks. Citations with more than three lines should be highlighted in the text, without quotation marks, without italics, with 4 cm indentation on the left, Times New Roman font, size 11 and single spacing.
  3. They must be unpublished, original and submitted to the journal without information, evidence, self-referential mentions or thanks that can identify the authorship.
  4. They must contain abstract and abstract in Portuguese (maximum of 6 lines, Times New Roman, body 12 and single spacing) with their respective keywords and keywords in Portuguese (up to 4 words for each, separated by semicolons). The title of the article must also be translated into English. Important: articles in which the language is English or Spanish must include the abstract and title in Portuguese.
  5. Explanatory notes must be placed at the bottom, with sequential numbering.
  6. The illustrations (photos, figures, graphs, drawings, etc.) must be arranged in the text, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. They must be identified by a caption in their header (Figure 1; Table 1; Graph 1) and contain the due copyright credits at the bottom, preceded by the word SOURCE.
  7. The reference system in the text must be in the author-date standard (eg, ALBUQUERQUE, 2019, p. 10). Latin expressions such as apud, ibidem or idem should not be used. If a reference is repeated, it should be mentioned as before, always respecting the same standard. All references cited in the article must be complete at the end of the text, without abbreviated names and without using et alii, preceded by the subheading "References", following the examples below:


Note: The standard adopted here is already in accordance with the update of the standard for references ABNT NBR 6023, in force since November 14. 2018.





COSTA, Emília Viotti da. O Supremo Tribunal Federal e a construção da cidadania. 2. ed. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2006.


BURKE, Peter; PORTER, Roy (Org.). Linguagem, indivíduo e sociedade. História social da linguagem. São Paulo: Ed. da Unesp, 1993.


Books Chapter

VERAS, Elias Ferreira; PEDRO, Joana Maria. Outras histórias de Clio: escrita da história e homossexualidades no Brasil. In: NETO, Miguel Rodrigues de Sousa; GOMES, Aguinaldo Rodrigues. História e teoria queer. Salvador, BA: Editora Devires, 2018. p. 123- 142.


Articles in Academic Journals

MARIN, José. Eurocentrismo, racismo e la estigmatización del diferente no contexto da Globalização. Albuquerque: revista de história, Aquidauana, v. 9, n. 17, p. 28-47, jan.-jul. de 2017. Disponível em: http://www.seer.ufms.br/index.php/AlbRHis/article/view/5191. Acesso em 11 ago. 2019.


Dissertation and Thesis

CAPELOZI, Lays da Cruz. Homem, chefe de família, dilacerado em O casamento, de Nelson Rodrigues. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) – Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, 2016.

Articles in newspapers and magazines

FÁBIO, André Cabette. A história de Mário da Silva, um trans na década de 50. Nexo Jornal, São Paulo, 22 ago. 2016. Disponível em: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/expresso/2016/08/26/A-hist%C3%B3ria-de-M%C3%A1rio-da-Silva-um-trans-na-d%C3%A9cada-de-50. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2019.


Eletronic sources

Must contain the authorship (person, institution or portal [website]), followed by the title, publication vehicle (if it is the same as the author, it does not need repetition), place (if any), date (if any), link and date access.


Ex.: IBDFAM. Aos 13 anos, Lei Maria da Penha ainda enfrenta obstáculos à plena efetividade. Disponível em: http://www.ibdfam.org.br/noticias/7019/Aos+13+anos%2C+Lei+Maria+da+Penha+ainda+enfrenta+obst%C3%A1culos+%C3%A0+plena+efetividade. Acesso em: 11 ago. 2019.



  1. They are received in a continuous flow, without any cost for submission and processing. They must include books that have been published in Brazil for a maximum of three years, and abroad for a maximum of four years, including the year of submission.
  2. They must contain between 4 and 10 pages, written according to the rules of the articles, without the abstract.
  3. They must contain a clear and concise title with their translation into English (or Portuguese if it is original in a foreign language).
  4. They must privilege the analysis of the arguments and the argumentative line of the reviewed work, avoiding the summary of the ideas of each chapter.



  1. They are received in a continuous flow, without any cost for submission and processing.
  2. They must contain between 4 and 15 pages, written according to the rules of the articles.


All texts should preferably be presented in Portuguese in accordance with the rules mentioned and after spelling and grammatical review. In case of doubt, contact the editor: revista.albuquerque@ufms.br.

Acknowledgments from collaborators who cooperated with the research and/or writing process of the manuscript should be registered at the end of the manuscript. To find out more, we recommend the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) guidelines on the processes of participation in the development of research that has its results presented in articles.


Section Policies


Section destined to texts resulting from research in an advanced state of development, of free theme. Texts submitted to this section will be evaluated by peers in a "double-blind" system, guaranteeing the anonymity of the author and the referee. Contributions must follow the steps for preparing the manuscripts according to the rules set out in Guidelines for Authors in the "Submissions" submenu.


Section designed to publish articles with a theme proposed by researchers invited by the journal that will organize it. The manuscripts submitted to this section will be evaluated in a "double-blind" system by the peers, in agreement with their organizers. The calls to compose dossiers will be launched by the journal in the "News" menu and published on social networks linked to this periodical.


The section is intended to publish interviews submitted in a continuous flow with a free theme or by the editors' idea, linked or not to the dossier theme. The rules for its elaboration will prioritize the quality of the questions, as well as the transcription (in cases of original audio capture). The evaluation will be carried out by the journal's editors.


Section for the publication of essays in the areas of the Humanities, in free themes. The evaluation will be carried out on a "double-blind" basis by the peers.


Section for the publication of research results of graduates who have developed research on Scientific Initiation and Master's students. The journal will submit the texts to the same evaluation process as the others. The number of texts published for this section will be limited.


This section is intended to receive reviews of works in the areas of the Humanities, published no later than three years before the submission date. The manuscript will be evaluated by the responsible section editor, prioritizing the form and content (according to the Guidelines for Authors). The opinion will be forwarded by the section editor.


Original translations of articles of fundamental importance to the field of History, Arts an Culture Studies are also welcome.

Cultural Critics

The Cultural Critics section is the sole responsibility of the editors of albuquerque history magazine. In this section, priority is given to: Texts and criticisms related to culture, without the need for a link to the call for the thematic dossier of each issue, submitted for evaluation by the Editorial Board; Interviews; Depositions; Testimonies; Fiction (chronicles, short stories, poetry, visual images etc.).

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.