O The Wilderness and the frontier in the XXI century

A reflection about Babel (Alejandro Iñarritu, 2006)


  The present article aims to discuss where the notions of frontier and wilderness were the subject of the movie Babel (2006). The aspect of how the movie deals with the contemporary notions of border and wilderness, strangeness and identity will be the object of analysis, especially in regards of how the images are constructed. Wilderness, as described by Junqueira (2018) is the idea that the wild regions and áreas are transformative of the mind of the western man. This is the main concept that guides the understanding of the perspectives built about the movie.


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How to Cite
SIVI, G. DE F. O The Wilderness and the frontier in the XXI century. albuquerque: journal of history, v. 14, n. 28, p. 30-45, 16 Dec. 2022.