Crystal Engineering in the design of New Solid Pharmaceutical Forms with enhanced pharmaceutical properties


High-efficiency drugs and pharmaceutical formulations, produced in a sustainable way, and that present a favorable performance are widely required in Public Health. Among the pharmacokinetic properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), the solubility is main variable since it regulate the availability in the biological target. Numerous formulations on the market and in the National Health System (SUS) present serious drawbacks related to quality, manufacture and performance. In general, APIs are delivered in solid formulations and this characteristic represents a challenge for industry and academia since the therapeutic efficiency of and APIs is related to their crystalline structure, i.d structural multiplicity, polymorphism and composition. APIs may exist in different forms presenting different pharmacokinetic profiles. In addition, the characterization of the diversities of solid forms of an IFA, constitutes an innovative strategy to optimize pharmaceutical properties, providing opportunities for the creation of intellectual property and innovation for the country. In this work we will discuss several strategies related to the problem aiming to show the importance in the pharmaceutical area of solid state techniques like crystal engineering.
