• Frederico do Nascimento Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC
  • Eustógio Wanderley Correia Dantas Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC


The article put on screen investigates a historical context, through progressive-regressive movements, representative of a diachronic research. It investigates unfoldings that delineate imagery of a multifaceted, plural, diverse, virtuous and "modern" northeast based on three images: agribusiness, fruit and grain producer, to reproduce the first imagery in modernity and coastal tourism, representative of a second. These activities, roughly speaking, dynamize/modify the landscapes, activities that encompass a national/international scale, generating flows of commodities and people, respectively. In the meantime, a new variable is entering the Northeastern coastal/sertanejo environments, which adheres to new perspectives, becoming visible not only for tourism, but also for the production of wind, solar, and, more recently, green hydrogen energy. In this context, we witness the delineation of a third imagery, which is conventionally called "the Northeast that discovered the winds", and starts to invest heavily in the production of "sustainable" energy from the winds, propagating a virtual and positive image of the region merged with agribusiness and coastal tourism. A small number of privileged entrepreneurs working in the agricultural, tourism, and/or wind power sectors obscure negative images from the past of a poor, semi-arid, and hungry Northeast. An image is created of a region of possibilities to attract investments on a national/international level, contributing to the conception of the modern and attractive. This is qualitative research, with quantitative measurements, an exploratory study where technical-methodological procedures such as observation, interviews, documental research, bibliographical survey, primary/secondary data, elaboration of tables, graphs, cartographic production, etc., were carried out.

KEY WORDS: Space; Time; Agribusiness; Tourism; Wind Energy; Coast.

How to Cite
RODRIGUES, F. DO N.; DANTAS, E. W. C. IMAGÉTICAS DE UM NORDESTE BRASILEIRO PLURAL, DIVERSO E MULTIFACETADO. Revista Eletrônica da Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros, Seção Três Lagoas , v. 1, n. 38, p. 148-171, 23 Jan. 2024.