O O currículo como mecanismo de Socialização dos indivíduos a partir da Base Nacional Comum Curricular
The present article, labor of a post-graduation conclusion paper, aims to analyze the school curriculum as the individual’s socializing mechanism, utilizing Brazil’s National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) as paramount part of this process, analyzing themed units and skills from Elementary School’s 1sr, 2nd and 3rd grade. Our essay is justified by the interest in comprehending Sociology and how it established its beginning as a school subject up until current days and the importance of school in the educational process regarding the child’s development. We utilize Geography 's curricular component, which comprehends the individual' s Self and their relation to the world. The methodology applied is bibliographic review highlighting the education concepts understood as the individual 's process of socialization. Thus, considering the research’s context, it’s understood that the present paper may help comprehend the importance of the school’s role in children’s formation process during Elementary School I, and the developing of a socially situated thought constructed in an independent manner inside the classroom and in their experimented reality.
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