considerations in the light of semiotics and pragmaticism

Keywords: Semiotic. Pragmaticism. Collateral experience. Information and communication technology.


Inspired by the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, this paper aims to present and discuss the following problem: what contributions can a semiotic and pragmaticist study bring to the analysis of the current digital environment of users of information and communication technologies (ICT), where does polarization, misinformation and epistemic bubbles reign? In such a digital context, the truth seems to be being ignored; and the notion of reality seems to be expanded beyond measure to try to encompass a myriad of diverse and even divergent opinions. Is the supposed “post-truth era” real? Starting from a Semiotic and Pragmatic analysis, rooted in Peirce's philosophy and especially in his conception of collateral experience, we will analyze questions about the sign relations existing between users of digital media, considering possible impacts on the fixation of beliefs that degenerate, by ignoring and/or distorting the notions of truth and reality.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Engel Ducatti, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho

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How to Cite
Engel Ducatti, G. (2020). COLLATERAL EXPERIENCE IN THE DIGITAL CONTEXT. Eleuthería - Revista Do Mestrado Profissional Em Filosofia Da UFMS, 5(09), 107 - 123. Retrieved from