Starting from textual references prior to Plato that present cognate terms for the word “philosopher”, as well as from the tradition that attributes to Thales of Miletus the designation of the first philosopher, this article aims to present how Plato constructs the ideal figure of the philosopher, embodied in the main character of his dialogues, Socrates. However, to elect Socrates as the model philosopher would not be easy, because Socrates was a controversial figure. Because of his eccentricity, Socrates had already become a character in an artistic manifestation with which Plato could hardly compete in popularity, and which, because of this, had already established a much more vivid interpretation of the Socrates character in the hearts and minds of the Athenians. This is, of course, comedy. Thus, it is also intended to argue here that Plato needed to dialogue and even fight with comedy in order to rescue the figure of Socrates from his merely comic aspect.
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