art heterotopias

Keywords: Art. Female. Body. Resistance. Transgression.


The present article composes a broader analysis that is being discussed in the Doctoral Thesis entitled: Lidia Baís: images of female transgression in History. The Thesis intends to analyze the frontiers between madness and transgression in the feminine artistic production from the life and work of the artist sul-mato-grossense Lidia Baís. To this end, some discussions were necessary to understand how women create mechanisms of escape and resistance also through art. In this sense, we bring the concept of heterotopia of the French philosopher Michel Foucault to understand how the insertion of the female body in art becomes another place for women when they use artistic creation as a movement of transgression and resistance. We present a brief passage through the history of some women artists who saw in the artistic creation another place to (re) construct and to (re) know in this recreated world.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Reis, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Graduada e Mestra em História, Doutoranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em História na Linha de pesquisa: fronteiras, identidades e representações da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados. Membro do Laboratório de Estudos de Gênero, História e Interculturalidade (LEGHI) vinculada á cátedra UNESCO. Pesquisa financiada com recursos da CAPES.


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How to Cite
Reis, F. (2018). NUANCES OF THE FEMALE BODY. Eleuthería - Revista Do Mestrado Profissional Em Filosofia Da UFMS, 3(4), 85 - 106. Retrieved from