Keywords: Community Health Agent, Territory, Territorialization in the SUS.


ABSTRACT: The conceptual discussions of territory have advanced in recent decades having a multidisciplinary dimension being applied to the various areas of knowledge, in the field of public health, he highlighted the new conformations influencing the practices and management of the Unified Health System (SUS). Evidencing the need to understand the concept of territory and its relations in the health work process. The objective of this study is to understand the concept of territory for Community Health Agents (CHA) who work in the Family Health Strategies (ESF) of the municipality of Água Fria - Bahia. The methodology used is based on a qualitative, exploratory approach. The instrument used for collection was semi-structured interviews, which were subsequently submitted to content analysis using the Bardin technique; it was found that the concept of territory in the work process for most of the study participants (85.71%), is centered on the definition of “area of coverage”, delimitation of workspace. It is concluded that spaces for discussion on the subject are necessary for a better understanding, of the use and of the concept of "territory" for the professionals who work in them aiming at a reorganization of Primary Health Care (PHC).

Author Biography

karoline Oliveira da Silva, Faculdade Estácio Feira de Santana

Graduação em enfermagem, especialista em Saúde Pública e em Urgencia e Emergencia. Mestre em planejamneto Territorial


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