
Renewable energy sources have been widely applied in the face of scarcity of water resources, for example, in addition to benefits such as the promise of clean energy and less aggressive to the environment. A relevant fact that is currently being taken into account is regarding the impacts on the implementation of wind farms, environmental data have already been evidenced and little by little damage is noticed to the health of the population that surrounds the parks, damage in general arising from their irregular installation. This study aimed to assess the health impacts of residents in the vicinity of wind farms installed in the municipality of Caetés, in the interior of the state of Pernambuco. Data collection was carried out with the health secretary regarding the incidence of diseases since the implantation of the parks. A high rate of mental illness was found, mostly affecting females, and the increase in cases was extremely high exactly in the year of the establishment of the parks in the municipality. The main complaints are about the noise coming from the propellers at the top of the towers. The data generated in this work corroborate the literature found, however it is a topic that deserves greater attention and more detailed studies.


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