Keywords: Eating and eating disorders, Antidepressants, Obesity, Overweight


The purpose to investigate the frequency of excess of weight in subjects with depression users of the Psychosocial Care Center (Palmeira das Missões/RS/Brazil) who use drugs for treatment. This study is of the observational cross-sectional type, with a descriptive and quantitative approach. Twenty subjects were evaluated through the collection of the following information: sociodemographic, disease, body weight, height, food compulsion and recall. White, married, with low educated and sedentary women prevailed. The most commonly used drugs were anti-anxiolytics and tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In the sample studied presented binge eating 40%, edema, 45%, and overweight, 75% of the subjects, with 40% obese. Overweight predominated between males and obesity, among females. The individuals diagnosed with depressive syndrome under drug treatment have excess body weight. Then, the inclusion of nutritionist and physical educator in the health team is essential, aiming at the inhibition of development or reduction of this inducer of chronic diseases.


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