• Amanda Andrade Almeida Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (Uema)
  • Tailana Santana Alves Leite Universidade Estadual do Maranhão.
Keywords: infection; protozoan; basic sanitation.


Amebiasis is the name of the infection caused by the parasite of the scientific name E. histolytica that can invade tissues, originating the intestinal and extra-intestinal forms of the disease. Contagion is done directly by contaminated hands, or indirectly by infected food and liquids. The research has the character of an integrative literature review. The analyzes performed correspond to articles published from the year 2016, using the database: RBMFC, RECIAMUC, FIOCRUZ, NCBI, SBI and Virtual Health Library. The parasite cycle starts after the ingestion of the infectious cysts that can go to the intestine, leaving the intestine through the bloodstream and can affect the liver, lung and brain. Little symptomatic intestinal manifestation is the most frequent, with a picture of pasty bowel movements (containing bloody mucus or not), tenesmus, flatulence, low fever and constipation. Based on the research and analysis of the studies found, there is a need to implement educational measures aimed at the population on the form of contagion in order to reduce the incidence of this pathology, a supply system with drinking water and efficient basic sanitation must also be adhered to.

Author Biographies

Amanda Andrade Almeida, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (Uema)
Acadêmica de Enfermagem pela Universidade Estudual do Maranhão(UEMA).
Tailana Santana Alves Leite, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão.

Docente Substituta do Centro de Estudos Superiores de Grajaú - Universidade Estadual do Maranhão.


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