Hobble Skirt

Meanings of the Jupe Entravée in the Belle Époque (1898-1914)

  • Marissa Gorberg CPDOC da Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Keywords: body, gender, fashion


This article seeks to analyze, from a transnational perspective, portrayals of the hobble skirt launched in 1910 published in the print media. By shedding light on a product marked by masculinity, interspersed with (rare) records of women’s opinions about that fashion trend, I aim to gain a better understanding of the meanings attributed to the jupe entravée in connection with experiences of femininity. To do so, I consider the complex interrelationships between fashion, the body, and gender as socially and culturally constituted and historically mediated categories.


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How to Cite
GORBERG, M. Hobble Skirt. albuquerque: journal of history, v. 15, n. 29, p. 13-40, 2 Sep. 2023.