De Expropriados e excluídos a degenerados

expansão agrícola do Oeste de São Paulo e sul de Mato Grosso – 1913 a 1914.

  • Odemar Leotti Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis - UFR


FROM EXPROPRIED AND EXCLUDED TO DEGENERATED: agricultural expansion in western São Paulo and southern Mato Grosso – 1913 to 1914


The purpose of this article is to show that, contrary to what the discourse of progress proclaims, the advance of the economy to the west of São Paulo, entering Mato Grosso, actually served the demand of the liberal market. Being, consequently, completely displaced from the interests of the population, mostly impoverished and without social mobility, in addition to the genocide caused to the original peoples. Excluded from the economic process, they live on the margins of progress, becoming useful or useless victims of the nation's modernizing project.



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Relatório do Chefe de Polícia, 1913, In Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Mato Grosso, IHGMT, Arquivo Público do Estado de Mato Grosso, APEMT.1913.
(RPE 1914, fonte: Relatório de Presidente de Estado. Nudheo/ Núcleo de Documentação de História/UNEMAT-MT).
How to Cite
LEOTTI, O. De Expropriados e excluídos a degenerados . albuquerque: journal of history, v. 15, n. 29, p. 105-122, 2 Sep. 2023.