“I don't believe in the future of Brazil”

rock and politics in Brazil in the 1980s

  • Paulo Gustavo da Encarnação
Keywords: Rock, Brazil, politics, redemocratization


Rock and politics flirt since the creation of the genre in the mid-1950s, in fact, the "roots" of rock and roll (also of blues, rhythm & blues, country and western) already brought up political subjects. In the case of the so-called national rock (rock nacional) of the 80s, its connection to politics was not different. Thus, this article seeks to address historically the relationship bet ween rock and politics, that is, to interpret verses and chords that resonated with the national acoustic of arpeggios and tones of a lack of hope on the future of the country, as in the song O Adventista, by the band Camisa de Vênus; disbelief in the student movement, portrayed in the song Fénenhuma, by Engenheiros do Havaii; and the political vacuum and the lack of  deology represented by Ideologia, by Cazuza.


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Author Biography

Paulo Gustavo da Encarnação
Doutor em História pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP-Assis. Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8524040216843344.


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How to Cite
ENCARNAÇÃO, P. G. DA. “I don’t believe in the future of Brazil”. albuquerque: journal of history, v. 8, n. 15, p. 190-208, 30 Jun. 2016.
Dossiê: História Política