The Kim Kardashian’s bunda

thoughts on sexual politics

  • Tamsin Spargo


This essay was presented as the opening talk of the VI International History Conference under the theme “History and the challenges of the 21st century: politics, feminisms and gender performances” that took place at the Federal University of Goiás, Jataí, in 2018. The author suggest the enduring value of analysing discursive construction and the competing knowledges and narratives that condition our lived experience, but also that we must, as historians of, and in, the present, be aware that we are occupying socially and temporally contingent positions.


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Biografía del autor/a

Tamsin Spargo

Dr. Tamsin Spargo holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Theory from Cardiff University. Is now an independent writer and cultural historian, based in Cornwall, U.K. She was Reader in Cultural History and Director of the School of Media, Critical and Creative Arts at Liverpool John Moores University and Visiting Professor in English at the University of Malaya. Website:


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Cómo citar
SPARGO, T. The Kim Kardashian’s bunda. albuquerque: revista de historia, v. 13, n. 26, p. 83-96, 28 dic. 2021.