Data Scientists: study of the skills and tools they use.

estudo das habilidades e ferramentas que utilizam


O cientista de dados é uma profissão em ascensão, mas que carece de uma definição consensual e de um entendimento claro das habilidades requeridas. O objetivo do estudo é investigar essa função sob a ótica da academia, empregadores brasileiros e profissionais, focando nas habilidades e ferramentas utilizadas. Utilizando uma abordagem múltipla que inclui revisão sistemática da literatura, análise de anúncios de emprego no LinkedIn, e levantamento de dados secundários de prática profissional, o estudo busca uma compreensão abrangente. A análise revelou alinhamento em grande parte entre as perspectivas, com dados de campo complementando dados da literatura com detalhes técnicos de ferramentas e atualização de técnicas. Um modelo conceitual de habilidades e ferramentas necessárias foi desenvolvido, incluindo hard skills, soft skills, linguagens de programação, frameworks, bancos de dados, técnicas de machine learning e visualização de dados. O estudo conclui que, embora haja complementaridade nas habilidades requeridas pelas três perspectivas, as necessidades são extensas e heterogêneas, indicando a existência de diferentes grupos de cientistas de dados.

Author Biographies

Cesar Alexandre de Souza, Universidade de São Paulo

Cesar Alexandre de Souza holds a bachelor's degree in Production Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1990), a master's degree in Administration from the University of São Paulo (2000), and a Ph.D. in Administration from the University of São Paulo (2004). He has been an associate professor at the University of São Paulo since 2007 and a permanent member of the Postgraduate Program in Administration (master's and doctoral) since 2008. He has teaching and research experience in Business Administration, with an emphasis on Information Systems Management, working on topics such as IT management and governance, enterprise system implementation, computerization of small and medium enterprises, new digital business models, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. He has more than 150 publications, including journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers. He was the Coordinator of ANPAD in the Information Administration/Information Systems (ADI) division from 2018 to 2020 and a member of the scientific committee of the same division from 2009 to 2012 and from 2015 to 2017. During this period, he participated in the organization of 10 EnANPAD events and 3 EnADI events. He was co-chair of Conf-IRM (International Conference on Information Resources Management) in 2013 in Natal, Brazil, and co-program chair in the editions of 2015 (Ottawa), 2019 (Auckland), and 2021 (Linz-Austria). He is the coordinator of the NETS/FEA/USP research group (Center for Studies in Technologies, Modeling, and Systems in Administration), registered with CNPq. He has professional experience in companies, having served as CIO and IT consultant in ERP and BI system implementations and in the evaluation of IT investment projects.

Rodrigo Baroni de, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Menas)

Rodrigo Baroni de Carvalho holds a Ph.D. in Information Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2006), with a sandwich doctoral period (2004-2005) at the University of Toronto, Canada (Faculty of Information Studies). He has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1992) and a master's degree in Information Science from the same university (2000). He received the UFMG Thesis Award for the best thesis in Information Science defended in 2006 and received the PUCMinas Academic Recognition Certificate in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 for results obtained in the Teacher Evaluation. He is an Adjunct Professor at PUCMinas, working in the Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA). He has 17 years of experience as a Systems Analyst, having worked at Cemig, Acesita, Belgo Mineira Systems (Arcelor), Bemge, and the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG). His main research topics are: Innovation Management, Knowledge Management, People Management, Competitive Intelligence, Project Management, Information Technology, Information Science, Public Administration, Databases, Software Engineering, and Information Systems. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Information Administration Division (ADI) of ANPAD from 2013 to 2017 and coordinator of the Information Management theme of the academic division of Information Administration of ANPAD in the biennium 2011-2012. He led the Strategic IT Management and IT Governance theme for SEMEAD (Administration Seminars) of USP from 2012 to 2018. He was the coordinator of the Scientific Journal Center of the PUCMinas Publisher from 2016 to 2018. He has been editor since 2012 of the PUCMinas Journal of Economics Management (Qualis A4) edited by the Postgraduate Program in Administration at PUCMinas. He is a reviewer for 32 national and international Qualis journals in the areas of Administration and Information Science. He has advised 24 master's dissertations, 5 doctoral theses, and co-advised 2 Master's dissertations in Administration. He participated in 109 master's dissertation defense boards and 39 doctoral thesis defense boards. He has published 104 works in event proceedings, has 11 book chapters, and 1 published book. He published 12 articles in international journals, 45 articles in national journals, and 16 works in international event proceedings in Canada, Austria, USA (Hawaii), Portugal, Chile, Argentina, and Switzerland. He was Patron five times, Paranymph five times, and Honored Professor 15 times for undergraduate and postgraduate classes.

Juliana N. do Nascimento, Universidade de São Paulo

Juliana Nelia holds a master's degree and is a doctoral candidate in Administration (FEA/USP), specializing in Quantitative Methods and Informatics; she is also a specialist in Higher Education Teaching (IFSP), Public Management (UEPG), and Distance Education (UNIP). She earned her bachelor's degree in Business Administration (FECAP), during which she benefited from a Full Scholarship through the University for All Program (PROUNI), and a bachelor's degree in Accounting (FEA/USP). Currently, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science (UNIVESP). She has professional experience in Finance, Planning, Costs, and Budgeting in companies in the fields of communication, pharmaceuticals, education, and big techs. Her main research interests include data analytics, education, innovation, and technologies for development.

How to Cite
PEREIRA, F.; SOUZA, C. A. DE; RODRIGO BARONI DE; JULIANA N. DO NASCIMENTO. Data Scientists: study of the skills and tools they use. Encontro Internacional de Gestão, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (EIGEDIN), v. 7, n. 1, 20 May 2024.
EIXO 4 - Resumo Expandido - Inovação, Tecnologia e Empreendedorismo