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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 4. Attention:

    In the case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available under Ensuring blind peer evaluation were followed.

  • The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not going to be available for other purposes or to third parties.

  • Metadata must be complete. It must contain the information of all authors such as: last degree, institution and e-mail contact
  • Is this a scientific article related to Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and related areas?
  • The work has not been published in its entirety in any other vehicle (except for publication as an academic paper: dissertation or thesis and/or abstract of proceedings of events).
  • The work is not under evaluation for publication in any other journal (scientific journal).
  • The wording of the text has been revised.

Author Guidelines

The Journal Ateliê do Turismo (AT) is an online journal that publishes original articles and essays that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in Tourism and Hospitality, in its various interfaces with other areas. With a biannual periodicity, the journal counts on the contribution of national and international authors, contemplating as its mission to provide a space for dialogue, diffusion and scientific reflection, providing the promotion, accessibility and dissemination of the academic and scientific studies related to Tourism and Hospitality. With national and international coverage, written papers can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. The journal also foresees the publication of interviews, experience reports, and reviews of interest to the scientific community in the area.


From this proposition, the Journal Ateliê do Turismo was born in 2017, as a sociability space for the exchange of information and publication of papers, articles, and critical reviews related to tourism/hospitality/leisure and related areas. 


Types of manuscripts accepted for publication: 


Research Articles - These can be empirical or conceptual studies, with a maximum of 10,000 words. 

Review Articles - These can be studies with annotations and criticism of the literature in a specific field of knowledge of tourism, hospitality and leisure, with a maximum of 10,000 words; 

Research Notes - These are brief communications with concise, short reports on a specific research theme, topic, as well as development of a theory or method, with a maximum of 3000 words; 

Viewpoint - Opinion and interpretation of a researcher with a mandatory Ph.D. degree and/or Post-Doctoral Internship for research and practice. This type of manuscript should not exceed 3000 words; 


Important: Ateliê do Turismo follows the continuous flow process (in practice this means that as an article is ready and edited, it will be published). This action follows the trends of international scientific publications), with the exception of thematic dossiers, whose publication depends on the opening of calls, proposed by one or more organizers. Contributions are accepted in Portuguese, English and Spanish. 



Does the author(s) already have a login/password to access Ateliê do Turismo Journal? Click on Access and complete your registration 

Registration in the system and subsequent access, through login and password are required for the submission of papers, as well as to monitor the ongoing editorial process. 

During the submission process, in the author information, it is mandatory to fill in all the METADATA information, including each author's last title, institution, e-mail and ORCID number 

The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at: https://orcid.org/register

To use ORCID you must accept the standards for iD ORCID presentation, and include the full URL, accompanied by the expression "http://", in your registration, right after the email (for example: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097). See the registration tutorial here:https://orcid.org/register 

Before submitting your work, which will be evaluated by two ad hoc referees, make sure that it meets the requirements that appear in "conditions for submission".

Depending on the number of authors/researchers in the submitted article, further information may be requested regarding the contributions to the research and the publication of the result (article).


The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

Ateliê do Turismo publishes articles in thematic dossiers, reviews, translations and a session of articles with free themes.

Contributions must be submitted through the Electronic System for Editing Journals (SEER), at http://www.seer.ufms.br/index.php/adturismo/Tipos of manuscripts accepted for publication:



The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor". 

Ateliê do Turismo publishes articles in thematic dossiers, reviews, translations and a session of articles with free themes. Contributions must be submitted through the Electronic System for Editing Journals (SEER) at http://www.seer.ufms.br/index.php/adturismo/

Submitted manuscripts are subject to double-blind review (except viewpoints which are reviewed by the editors only). Incorrectly formatted manuscripts will be returned to the author(s) without double-blind review. The author(s) need to ensure that all co-authors have contributed to the scientific findings and results. Invited authorship without actual co-author involvement and ghost authorship without listing the actual author are considered unethical behavior. 

Questions can be sent to the e-mails: ateliedoturismo@gmail.com 

Texts submitted to Ateliê do Turismo must meet all of the following requirements: 

- Verse directly about tourism, hospitality and leisure; 

- Be unpublished; 

- Not be under evaluation by another journal; 

- Be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish; 

- Follow the "Norms for the preparation of texts" of Ateliê do Turismo Journal; 

- Not have any indication of authorship throughout the paper; 

- There should be no indication of authorship in the properties of the file; 

- Fill out the submission form with the authors' data and metadata. Authors will not be accepted after submission if the article is approved by the reviewers.  

- Ateliê do Turismo Journal accepts articles from professors and researchers with post-doctoral (post-doctoral internship), doctoral and/or doctoral students, Master's and/or Master's students, and Specialization degrees.  

- Articles by undergraduate students must originate from Final Coursework, Pibid (Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarship) and/or participation in a Research Group, among others. The article must be co-authored by a professor or supervisor and/or researcher(s) with at least a Master's degree.  

- There is no limit on the number of co-authors.  

- Papers presented at events will be accepted, as long as information about the event is provided at the time of submission. 

- The insertion of ORCID is mandatory for issues from the year 2021

Articles, essays and reviews submitted to Ateliê do Turismo must comply with the following tabulation and text standards: 

- It must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1.5 spacing. 

- Page layout must be A4 size (29.7cm x 21cm), with all margins of 2.5 (top, left, bottom and right). 

- The article should have a maximum of 10,000 thousand words, including: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Theoretical Background, Methodology, Analysis and Discussion of Results, Conclusions, and References; 

- Essays should follow the same pattern as the article, except for the Methodology; 

- Reviews may have a free sequence. Ateliê do Turismo recommends an Introduction, Development and Final Considerations. 

- Charts, tables, graphs and images must be included in the main document in the sequence of the original text, with their respective sources and legends; 

- The Abstract, in the original language of the work and in English, must not exceed 300 words; 

- Contributions must be written in the Word for Windows Program, version 6.0 or higher, and must be submitted to the journal in Word for Windows; 

- The article must contain: 

               Title - First letter of the title capitalized and bold 

               English title - First letter of the title capitalized and bold 

               Abstract - No more than 200 words 

               Keywords - No more than 5 words 

               Abstract - Maximum 300 words 

               Keywords - Up to 5 words 

Subsequently it should contain the Introduction and other sessions; The session titles should be positioned to the left, in bold and without Arabic numerals; The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, bold; No period should be placed in the session titles; The subtitles of the sessions (if any) should be positioned to the left, in bold, without Arabic numerals, with font Times New Roman, size 12, bold and only the first letter capitalized; 

- Only endnotes should be used; footnotes should not be used; 

- The file submitted in word cannot contain the name(s) of the author(s), to ensure blind peer review; 

- There is no limit on the number of authors; 

- All authors must inform their highest degree, institution and e-mail for contact in the metadata; 

- Ateliê do Turismo adopts the standards of the American Psychological Association - APA for the formatting of citations, references and other standards; Access the standards of the American Psychological Association - APA 

- URLs for references must be informed as accurately as possible. The use of link reducer is mandatory 

- Use the DOI of the journals that have them; 

Example references: 

Andranovich, G., Burbank, J., & Heying, C. (2001). Olympic Cities: Lessons learned from Mega-Event Politics. Journal of Urban Affairs, 23(2), 113-131. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/0735-2166.00079 

Bardin, L. (2011). Content Analysis. Translation: Luís Antero Reto, Augusto Pinheiro. São Paulo: Edições 70. 

Beni, M. C. (2017). Understanding the new tourism in the collaborative and shared economy.    The technological evolution and impacts on the strategic management and marketing of Tourism: e-Tourism.  São Paulo: National Association of Tourism Research. 

Bourdieu, P. (1986). Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste. London: Routledge. 

Bowdin, G., Allen, J., O'Toole, W., Harris, R., & McDonnel, I. (2008). Events management. London: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. 

Brian, S. E., & Anders, S. (2002) The Cambridge dictionary of statistics. Cambridge: Cambridge 

Capel, H. (2010). Los Juegos Olímpicos, entre el urbanismo, el marketing y lós consensos sociales. Biblio 3W. Revista Bibliográfica de Geografia y Ciencias Sociales, 15(895). 

Chen, F. (2010).  Study on the longitudinal changes of urban residents' perceptions and attitude towards mega-events: a Case Study of Qingdao Hosting the 2008 Olympic Sailing Regatta. Tourism Tribune, 25(10), 77-84. In Chinese. 

Choi, M., & Toma, C. L. (2014). Social sharing through interpersonal media: patterns and effects on emotional well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 530-541. 

Gotardi, L., Senn, Y., Cholakova, E., Liebrich, A., & Wozniak, T. (2015). How do millennial travellers use their mobile devices in a city destination?-Empirical Evidence from Switzerland. EReview of Tourism Research, 6, 1-5. 

Harrison, R., Newholm, T., & Shaw, D. (2005). The ethical consumer. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 

Jornal do Brasil. (1932). Published on 11/17/1932, p. 25. 

Knupp, M. E. C. G. (2014). Tourism public policy analysis: a methodological approach based on social networks. In Pimentel, T. D....[et.al] (org.). Public management of tourism in Brazil (pp. 285-316). Caxias do Sul/RS: Educs. 

Lashley, C. (2004).   Towards a theoretical understanding.     In In search of hospitality: perspectives for a globalized world (1o ed, p. 1-24). Barueri-SP: Manole. 

Marconi, M. de A.&Lakatos, E. M. (2011). Metodologia científica. (6ed(. São Paulo, Brasil: Atlas. 

Mazaro, R. (2018). Outside in, inside out: tourism competitiveness and brazilian strategy analysis. Journal of Tourism Management Research. 5(1), 68-80.https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.31.2018.51.68.80M 

MINCETUR. (2017a).Perú: Arribo de visitantes extranjeros a establecimientos de hospedaje, según región. Serie estadística 2003-2017. Retrieved January 17, 2018, from http://datosturismo.mincetur.gob.pe/app-datosTurismo/Content3.html 

Montandon, A. (2011).  Mirrors of hospitality. In: Montandon, A. (org). The book of hospitality.  São Paulo: Senac. 

Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L., Grolnick, W. S.,& La Guardia, J. G. (2006). The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychological development and psychopathology.  In Cicchetti, D., & Cohen, D. (Eds.). Developmental psychopathology: Theory and Methods, vol. 1, 2. ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 295-849. 

São Paulo. Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo. Secretaria Geral Parlamentar.Departamento de Documentação e Informação (1941).Decreto-Lei n. 11.849, de 13/02/1941. Cria o Departamento Esta-dual de Imprensa e Propaganda e dá outras providências.Publicado na Secretaria do Palácio do Govêrno, aos 13 de fevereiro de 1941 

Vrieze-McBean, R. de (2016). The Social, Economic and Cultural Impact of Chinese Millennial Tourists on Europe: France as a Case Study. 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 15th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism 16-18 May 2016, Proceedings Vol.1, (pp. 144-164). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 

Urry, J. (2007). Mobilities. Cambridge: Polity Press. 





This section is intended to receive reviews of works on Tourism and Hospitality. The manuscript will be evaluated by the section editor in charge, prioritizing form and content (according to the Authors' Guidelines). The opinion will be forwarded by the section editor.


Section aimed at publishing essays in the areas of Earth Sciences, Humanities and Applied Social Sciences related to Tourism and Hospitality. The evaluation will be done on a "double-blind" basis by pairs.


Section intended for texts resulting from research in advanced state of development, which are unpublished and dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the area of Tourism and Hospitality and its cross-cutting themes. Texts submitted to this section will be peer-reviewed in a "double-blind" system, ensuring the anonymity of the author and the referee. The contributions must follow the steps for the elaboration of manuscripts according to the guidelines for authors in the submenu "Submissions". 


Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

In accordance with the data protection legislation in force in Brazil, we inform that Ateliê do Turismo will process the data informed by the authors/researchers in the registration/submission process only for the management, editing and dissemination of the texts (essays/articles/research notes/research reviews among others) through the various means of communication and marketing, including social networks. To this end, the necessary data is collected for communication with those involved in the editorial process, authorship and editing of the contents, as well as to keep registered readers informed.

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not going to be available for other purposes or to third parties.