This paper discusses about cultural processes based on the foundation and consecration, through symbolic and imaginary systems that result in the subjection of subjects, built under European colonial domination in the face of their desires and projects to emulate in other territories landscapes that represent the model resulting from socio-historical modernity relations. However, without these subjections, which individuals submitted in their socialization processes, appearing to exist as domination devices. One of the prominent representatives in the reproduction of this dynamic in the Rio Grande do Norte at the 20th century beginning was the Lawyer and Intellectual Manoel Gomes de Medeiros Dantas. Influential in his speech, he seized elements of this hegemonic culture in the urban landscapes he photographed, encouraged the propagation of this cultural, symbolic, political, and economic set in his living spaces, articulating them in the conference delivered in 1909, entitled; Natal D’aqui a cincoenta annos. The landscapes reproduced locally based on the model of civilization that universalized a modernity expressed in the structures that configure the idea of progress and tourism. In addition to de Dantas’ production, we also analyses the newspaper from the period, supported by from Marxist theoretical arguments, with the focus on the regressive-progressive methodology, elaborated by Henry Lefébvre (1977). There are subjectivities in these discourses produced in the processes of ideologization of the ways of organizing economic, socio-political, and spatial relations that motivated the incorporation of physical innovations in the capital.
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