Walking on the Shore: survey of the commercialization of touristic products in the Copacabana sidewalk and analysis according to imaginaries theories

  • Luiz Alexandre Lellis Mees Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Larissa Nascimento Fernandes Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Copacabana, Tourism, Touristies Imaginaries, Tourism Agency, Tourist Itineray


In the touristic construction of Rio de Janeiro city, notably from the 1930s, Copacabana district, located in the South zone, has always stood out for the significant number of tourists – national and foreign – that it attracts. For them, a walk along the coast, on the “Copacabana sidewalk”, is mandatory. Taking this context into account, the present research aims to identify which are the main tour(s), here understood as tourist products, sold by promoters of tourism agencies, which offer their services along the sidewalk. The main objective was to carry out a survey of the tours sold, later classifying them into which are the most sold and which are the least sold. In addition, the objective was to relate those identified as "best sellers" with theories of the tourist imaginaries and the tourist gaze about Rio de Janeiro city. As a specific objective, we sought to identify which of these tours were offered as favela-tours, and which were identified as “cultural tours” by the sellers. The research had an exploratory, qualitative, ethnographic basis and descriptive character, using, as techniques, photographic records and notes in a field diary. The survey was carried out in June and July 2019, based on a script of pre-established questions, dialogued with the promoters found on the sidewalk, between Rua Rodolfo Dantas and Rua Constante Ramos. Comparing the results with theories of the imaginaries and the tourist gaze, it was concluded that the ideas of “tropical paradise”, “sun and beach” and “Marvelous City” appear to be dominant. It was also verified that the tours identified as “cultural” are the least sought and that the favela-tours appear, at this moment, to be little sold or sold with restrictions.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Alexandre Lellis Mees, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em Antropologia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Professor do Curso de Turismo da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail: luiz.mees@unirio.br

Larissa Nascimento Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduanda em Turismo pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. E-mail: larissa.fernandes@edu.unirio.br


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How to Cite
Lellis Mees, L. A., & Nascimento Fernandes, L. (2022). Walking on the Shore: survey of the commercialization of touristic products in the Copacabana sidewalk and analysis according to imaginaries theories. ATELIÊ DO TURISMO, 6(1), 135-156. https://doi.org/10.55028/at.v6i1.13727