Corporate tourism entrepreneurship in the pandemic: the case of the falls tourism festival
This article started from the objective of presenting the actions related to corporate entrepreneurship by the organization of the Cataratas Tourism Festival, motivated by the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). This event, which is considered one of the most important tourism events in Brazil and Latin America, suffered the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), having to undertake to adjust to the changes in the pandemic context. Regarding the methodology, a single online case study was carried out, based on the analysis of secondary data, such as websites, journals and scientific articles, with ex-post facto analysis, since the 15th edition of the event was defined as starting point of the research. Among the main results, innovation in products/services was evidenced, such as the creation of the best practices manual – covid 19 prevention and also sub-event; and process innovation, such as biosafety actions at the face-to-face event and the use of technologies.
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