Journey to Portugal: contributions to the creation of a saramaguian route

Keywords: saramaguian route;, Journey to Portugal;, alternative routes;, stimulation of depressed areas;


This essay reflects on the importance and relevance of creating a tourist route underpined on José Saramago's Journey to Portugal. Covering the entire continental territory of Portugal and passing through hundreds of locations, the development of this route will not only stimulate depressed areas, but also contribute to a greater literacy of tourists. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recognizes the benefits of tourism routes for the territories where they are located. From this perspective, it is intended that this route will branch out according to the logic followed in this book, allowing tourists to experience, as much as possible, the experience of the narrator-traveller José Saramago in his journey through the country. The creation of a Saramago route emerges, therefore, as a corollary of the critical reflection present in this essay.


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Author Biographies

Vítor Sa, Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia

Doutor em Turismo pela Universidade de Aveiro (2021). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto do Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração de Gaia (ISLA Gaia) e pesquisador do GOVCOPP.

Manuel Tojal, Instituto Politécnico da Maia

Doutor em Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Atualmente é Professor Auxiliar na Universidade da Maia e no Instituto Politécnico da Maia e membro do N2i - Núcleo de Investigação do Instituto Politécnico da Maia. 


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How to Cite
Sa, V., & Tojal, M. (2022). Journey to Portugal: contributions to the creation of a saramaguian route. ATELIÊ DO TURISMO, 7(1), 1-19.