Foucault reinterpreting Bataille

Keywords: Phenomenology. Experience. Foucault. Bataille. Desubjectivation.


The present paper seeks to investigate the supposed rupture that Foucault himself identifies at the beginning of his philosophical trajectory as a distancing from the institutional philosophy of his time. For this end, we present a certain foucauldian reading of the notion of experience, which operates an antagonism between what the author considers as the notion of experience derived from phenomenology and another notion of experience, the notion of experience as a creative authority, characterized from his interpretation of Bataille's thought. As a result, we delineate the movement that instigates Foucault to carry out a nietzschean curve in opposition to the dominant humanist perspective and, with that, to develop an entire enterprise of desubjectivation. Finally, we present the development of the author's thought regarding sexuality in order to question the signs of a fading of Bataille's influence in his last writings.


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Author Biography

Lorrayne Colares, Universidade de Brasília

Lorrayne Colares possui graduação e mestrado em filosofia pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Atualmente é doutoranda em filosofia, na linha de Ética, Política e Filosofia da Religião, na Universidade de Brasília e doutoranda-sanduíche na Université de Lille, na França. Sua pesquisa concentra-se no âmbito da filosofia francesa contemporânea.


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How to Cite
Colares, L. (2023). THE NOTION OF EXPERIENCE BETWEEN THE SEARCH FOR SUBJECTIVATION AND THE PRIMACY OF SUBJECT. Eleuthería - Revista Do Mestrado Profissional Em Filosofia Da UFMS, 8(14), 71 - 89.