Keywords: Cyberspace. Hacker. Conflict. Community.


Understanding the space deployed by communication technologies requires a political thinking that faces the new challenges posed by digital mediascape. Use these technologies without grasping the political feature, without deciphering the new conflicts that they stage, it means, on the one hand, remain subservient to the narcotic power of technology and, on the other, lack the dimension of contemporary politics. Many pre-texts related to the science fiction genre can be useful to develop such a reflection. Among the many stories, comics, films that lend themselves to the purpose, one of the founding texts was the novel Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson: it is still useful as a guide to understand the relationship between space of flows and space of places, the conflicts necessary to emergence of new subjectivities (hackers), the unfolding of a scene open to a plurality of distributions of the sensible.


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How to Cite
Tursi, A. (2018). LIVING THE METAVERSE BETWEEN SCIENCE FICTION AND POLITICS. Eleuthería - Revista Do Mestrado Profissional Em Filosofia Da UFMS, 3(4), 73 - 84. Retrieved from