Introdução ao pensar na pós-modernidade, ao pensar do Abrangente, ao pensar pré-consciente
This is an outline of the general lines of thinking in images, understood together with thinking in the Encompassing, as one of the modes of thinking of the Encompassing. It seeks initially to present the epistemic nature of thinking in images, while thinking at a free and concrete time, as opposed to thinking for concepts or representations and even for images, in turn servile and abstract. Next, the ontological and more properly metaphysical - normative character of this thinking is discussed; especially its homology with being and, in view of this, the way in which, within the framework of such homology, the real imposes itself as the singular in which, in each case, the Encompassing is shown as opposite to the ideal. Finally, the operative element of the thinking of images, its figurative character, or rather, figural, is thematized.Downloads
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