Methods of detection the oocyst Toxoplasma gondii in water sample

  • Marlusa Nascimento Silva Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Natália Canal Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords: Toxoplasmosis. Detection. Water


Toxoplasma or the causative agent of one of the protozoonoses distributes numerous among the countries. The occurrence of toxoplasmosis outbreaks in Brazil, related to environmental contamination, has gained notoriety with recurring large proportions. Facing this problem requires the improvement and standardization of methods of environmental identification of T.gondii. The techniques available for environmental detection of oocysts have great variability and low reproducibility. The present work aims to describe the different methods available to detect T. gondii in water samples, exploring its advantages, disadvantages and advantages. Filtration was highlighted as the most effective method for processing turbines, with variable cost-benefit to choose the systems. The absence of monoclonal block makes it difficult to develop immunomagnetic separation in purification. Molecular detection by PCR is widely used in the amplification of the B1 gene. However, in addition to identification, the infectivity of oocysts is essential for understanding the risk of the presence of T. gondii in the water environment, which can be measured through bioassays. That, none of the available methodologies is exempt from permissions, or the challenge is placed on the doorstep of public health in the country that led or was the biggest outbreak of toxoplasmosis in the world.


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