Slovenes online

representation and re-territorialized senses of slovenianess among facebook groups of slovenians in Argentina

  • Nadia Molek Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: ICT, Slovenian migration, Argentina, identity processes, social memory


Argentinian Slovenians online: representation and re-territorialized senses of Slovenianess among Facebook groups of Slovenians in Argentina The aim of this article is to present an anthropological inquiry about the uses of the social media Facebook in the different social memory and identity configurations among the Slovenian descendants in Argentina. Facebook groups became a useful platform to gather Slovenian migrants and descendants of migrants from different migrations flows to Argentina in a context of globalisation and local association weakening. I explore which role the social media Facebook plays in identity and social memory processes and which representations, experiences and -memory/ideological- senses are produced and shared on the walls of the Facebook groups, finding that some offline community divisions and representations of the Slovenianess are still to be found in the online environment. I stress that Facebook groups, not only imply a communication tool, but also a virtual place that mediates the need of the actors to configure their self-identity and belonging to an imagined community linked to the land of their ancestors.


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Author Biography

Nadia Molek, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Lic. y Prof. en Cs. Antropológicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Becaria de doctorado (ICA, FFyL, UBA) Prof. titular en USAL. Miembro del LabTIC - Universidad Pedagogica Provincial. Miembro del “Grupo de Estudios Migratorios e Identidad” (GEMI- INAPL). Los procesos migratorios, identitarios, las relaciones interculturales, la antropología visual, la historia oral y la educación con nuevas tecnologías han sido mis focos de interés e investigación desde 2007.


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How to Cite
MOLEK, N. Slovenes online. albuquerque: journal of history, v. 11, n. 21, p. 111-131, 11 Jan. 2020.