uma análise das barbearias de Presidente Prudente/SP

  • Lechan Colares-Santos Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) Universidade do Oeste Paulista (UNOESTE)
  • Rafaella Estecio Belarmino
  • Thaynná Carolynne Santos Ramos
  • Gustavo Yuho Endo
  • Marco Antônio Catussi Paschoalotto


With the increase in demand for beauty products and services for the male market, there is also an increase in the offer of barber shops with a view to serving this audience. It is known that these barbershops generate contaminating residues, however, there is no information about the treatment of contaminating residues generated by barbershops. In the case of contaminating materials, treatment and disposal must meet specific criteria determined by law. Therefore, the question is: what is the way to dispose of contaminating waste generated by barber shops in Presidente Prudente / SP? In this sense, the present study is relevant, since it intends to analyze how the barber shops in Presidente Prudente / SP have treated and discarded the contaminating residues generated by them. To this end, the present research had a qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive research, carried out through face-to-face interviews subsidized by a semi-structured interview script. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used. It was observed that although the owners of the barber shops are not aware of the legislation that deals with the disposal of contaminating waste, they adopt practices that fit the requirements of the municipal health surveillance. It is hoped that the results of this study can support public policies aimed at waste management.

How to Cite
COLARES-SANTOS, L.; ESTECIO BELARMINO, R.; CAROLYNNE SANTOS RAMOS, T.; YUHO ENDO, G.; CATUSSI PASCHOALOTTO , M. A. GESTÃO DE RESÍDUOS. Encontro Internacional de Gestão, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (EIGEDIN), v. 4, n. 1, 31 Oct. 2020.
Artigo Completo - Gestão de organizações públicas, privadas e do terceiro setor