processo empreendedor e características empreendedoras sob a ótica dos gestores de um município do Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais


The present work had as general objective to know the MEI of the commerce sector of a city in the Center-West of Minas Gerais, seeking to know the entrepreneurial process and the entrepreneurial characteristics, from the perspective of the managers. The themes addressed in the theoretical framework were entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial process and entrepreneurial characteristics. Therefore, a qualitative and descriptive research was carried out in order to meet the proposed objectives. As a data collection method, the semi-structured questionnaire was used, which was applied to 21 MEI's. Data were processed in Excel 2016, where tables, tables and graphs were generated. With regard to the entrepreneurial process and the entrepreneurial characteristics, it was possible to conclude that the MEI's of the commerce sector of the studied municipality undertook by opportunity, being influenced by environmental factors. Entrepreneurs indicated that they are satisfied with the projects they have, where the glimpse of a business opportunity was the main motivation to undertake and persistence was indicated as the main characteristic that defines them.

Author Biography

Francine Milla Bernardes Silva, Instituto Federal Minas Gerais - Campus Bambuí

Bacharel em Administração do IFMG Campus Bambuí.

How to Cite
MILLA BERNARDES SILVA, F.; DORNELAS, M. MICROEMPREENDEDOR INDIVIDUAL (MEI) DO SETOR DE COMÉRCIO:. Encontro Internacional de Gestão, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (EIGEDIN), v. 5, n. 1, 30 Sep. 2021.