
It is evident that information-related technologies strongly influence the performance of any type of activity. In organizations, including public institutions, these technologies, when properly used, provide agility, flexibility, speed, and reliability in management and operation activities. In this context, this study addressed the following question: How does a municipal transit management institution use information technology tools to manage transit activities? Thus, this research aims to analyze how information technology (IT) tools are used for the management and operation of transit in a municipal agency. Specifically, this work sought to identify the information technology tools used, the main activities developed with the use of IT, as well as the main benefits and difficulties associated with the use of IT for transit management. The method used was a single case study, with a qualitative approach, which sought to present evidence of the facilities, difficulties, advantages, and deficiencies related to the use of computer resources. The results found show that among the various benefits that IT can attribute to traffic management activities, data processing speed, "community equity", control and planning activities for road signaling, and increased productivity are the most expressive results.

Author Biographies

Ronalty Rocha, Universidade Federal do Paraná (PPGADM/UFPR)

PhD student in Administration at the Federal University of Paraná (PPGADM/UFPR). Master in Administration from the Federal University of Sergipe (PROPADM/UFS). Volunteer Professor at the Department of Administration of the Federal University of Sergipe (DAD/UFS).

Adrianne Garcia, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV)

PhD student in Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Master in Administration from the Federal University of Sergipe (2018). Voluntary Professor at the Department of Administration of the Federal University of Sergipe (DAD/UFS).

Maria Elena Leon Olave, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Ph.D. in Production Engineering. Associate Professor at the Department of Administration of the Federal University of Sergipe (DAD/UFS), Professor of the Graduate Program in Administration (PROPADM/UFS) and of the Professional Master's Program in Administration (PROFIAP).

Jadson Nilo Pereira Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Master's student in Applied Health Sciences at the Federal University in Sergipe (PPGCAS/UFS). Specialist in Management and Auditing in Health Services.

Carla Cristine Silva Lopes, Universidade Federal do Paraná (PPGADM/UFPR)

PhD student in Administration at the Federal University of Paraná (PPGADM/UFPR). Master in Administration from the Federal University of Sergipe (PROPADM/UFS)

How to Cite
ROCHA, R.; GARCIA, A.; OLAVE, M. E. L.; SANTOS, J. N. P.; LOPES, C. C. S. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TRANSIT. Encontro Internacional de Gestão, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (EIGEDIN), v. 5, n. 1, 15 Oct. 2021.
EIXO 2 - Artigo Completo - Gestão de Pessoas e Processos