Declaration of Ethics

Ateliê do Turismo Ethics Statement 

Ateliê do Turismo is an online journal with ISSN 2594-8407 established at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), committed to the dissemination, standards, criteria, oaths and ethical behavior in the various types and stages of research, adding continuous efforts to the research ethics committees of public and private institutions. 

It aims to be a space of sociability for the exchange of information and the publication of articles, original essays, as well as interviews, experience reports and critical reviews on topics related to tourism, hospitality, leisure and related areas.

About the Councils 

Ateliê do Turismo has an "Editorial Board", "Scientific Board", "Scientific Advisory Committee", "Text Reviewers", "Editors", "Section Editors" from various teaching and research institutions in Brazil and around the world.   

About the referees 

For the publication of the journal, Ateliê do Turismo counts on a varied number of anonymous ad hoc (peer) reviewers, belonging to various teaching and research institutions in Brazil and the world. The referees perform the function of evaluators of the different types of texts submitted to the journal, especially with regard to the uniqueness of the material, the research proposal, the methodological measures adopted and the results obtained, in order to guarantee the quality and impact of the publication.

About the ethical commitment of the Editors/Publishers  

Ateliê do Turismo also has activities developed by Editors/Publishers in the various stages of the flow of submission, evaluation, layout and publication, who also have the mission to be responsible for the acceptance, rejection, evaluation and contribution, among other opinions to ensure the relevance and quality and impact of the research results.  

Ateliê do Turismo, has as reference the code of conduct and good practices of COPE (Committee on Ethics in Publications - Link and adopts ethical principles in the process of submission to the publication of manuscripts, thus, the Editors/Publishers: 

Assume responsibility for the integrity and archiving of the entire collection. 

At the various stages of the submission process up to the publication of the manuscripts, guarantee the anonymity of the authors and referees. 

They are responsible for communication with the members of the various councils, expanding the dialogue to accept all suggestions aimed at the improvement, quality and enhancement of Ateliê do Turismo, as well as the publication of errata, information and all that is necessary. 

It has the responsibility and ethics to ensure the selection of anonymous reviewers (peer reviewers), from the same area of production and knowledge, with property and ability to evaluate the manuscripts objectively, without conflicts of interest. 

They are guided by the submission process policy of Ateliê do Turismo and may consult with other Editors/Publishers and Textual Reviewers/Reviewers. All publication decisions will be communicated in a reasoned manner to the research authors. 

They may accept or reject a manuscript, based on the following criteria: importance of the research, originality, clarity, validity and relevance, being postulated by the objectives of Ateliê do Turismo. 

Value integrity and ethics, transparency and commitment in the exercise of their work activities. 

They have the autonomy to seek and accept the opinions of authors, researchers, readers, referees and members of the various councils in order to improve the processes from submission to publication of manuscripts. 

In cases where there are suspicions in the research, both of texts in progress and those already published, the Editors/Publishers follow the guidelines issued by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Their orientation is to disclose bad scientific practices, in case they have been identified, such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, erroneous production of data, appropriation of information, whether of individual or collective authorship. 

They should give the authors/researchers the opportunity to defend alleged complaints, as long as they are pointed out in the detailed and maximum criteria of an investigation. 

The various boards of Ateliê do Turismo recommend the adoption of plagiarism or duplication detection software to their anonymous reviewers (peer reviewers), and to the Editors/Publishers. 

Finally, they are guided by democratic principles, without discrimination or prejudice related to gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, geography, generation, religion or political beliefs, seeking a respectful coexistence among all. 


On the ethical commitment of the researchers 

Researchers named as authors are requested to present the results of their research and/or their research group by adopting the following ethical criteria and principles 

Respect and cite all intellectual property rights of third party researchers; 

Carefully follow the submission guidelines of Ateliê do Turismo in the submission of manuscripts comprising the results of their research, making sure that the manuscript, or part of it, has not been published in other journals (except Annals of Events with abstracts); 

Indicate all possible references of the documents researched and cited according to APA (American Psychological Association - Link: standards. 

Send permission to use, reproduce and publish graphs, tables, charts, maps, diagrams, images, among others, when necessary to compose the research information; 

They must know the rules of the Creative Commons AttributeBY license; 

Must inform the Editors/Publishers of Ateliê do Turismo of any significant error/error in the publication, as well as submit original texts, without plagiarism or self-plagiarism, fraudulent data, among others; 

They should cooperate with the Editors/Publishers in the preparation of possible errata, addenda, suggestions, corrections, retractions, verbiage when necessary. 


On the ethical commitment of anonymous ad hoc reviewers  

The evaluation of articles and other manuscripts submitted to Ateliê do Turismo are evaluated by anonymous ad hoc (peer) reviewers. The anonymous ad hoc (peer) reviewers are ethically committed to the following principles: 

To analyze and evaluate the manuscripts objectively, avoiding hostile comments, within a reasonable time, as well as to maintain the confidentiality of all information received by the Editors/Publishers. 

The anonymous ad hoc (peer) reviewers may not, in their analysis and evaluation of the manuscripts, suggest their published research in the form of articles, research notes, dissertations, theses and/or papers as a source of citation to researchers who submit articles and other manuscripts to Ateliê do Turismo. 

The anonymous ad hoc (peer) reviewers should not use the information obtained in the review/analysis process for their own benefit or that of their research group, nor should they guarantee advantages, manage disadvantages or discredit researchers/authors. 

The anonymous ad hoc (peer) reviewers must inform the Editors/Publishers of any content already published or submitted in other repositories that is substantially identical or similar to the one under their analysis and review; 

Manuscripts will be evaluated on the basis of their intellectual content, without distinction of race, gender, religion, or political beliefs of the authors.