The technical-scientific events, in addition to being an important source in the search for new knowledge, also have the purpose of bringing together researchers, professors and students in a certain area. The objective proposed for this research was to carry out an analysis of the trajectory of the event “Ciclo Internacional de Atividades Hoteleiras” - CIAH, which this year reaches its 13h edition. The event is promoted by the Hotel Management Course at the State University of Western Paraná - Unioeste, Foz do Iguaçu campus, as a means of contributing to the professional qualification of students and professionals in the hotel market. The present research is characterized as descriptive case study, since its purpose was to present an analysis of this technical-scientific event. Based on the data and information presented, it is possible to verify the importance that the Event represents for its public, with its varied activities involving teaching, research and extension, inseparable for the training of qualified professionals and with updated knowledge of the hotel market.
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