• Rafaella Soares Espínola UFRN
  • Sérgio Marques Jr UFRN
Keywords: Quality. Beaches. Tourist destinations. Indexes


Considering the beach as one of the main attractiveness factors of tourist destinations and the importance of monitoring its quality, this study aims to investigate the main quality indexes of tourist beaches, in the period from 2014 to 2019, with the objective to create a bibliographic portfolio for future research in the field of tourism that seeks to improve the models and add specific indicators for the area. For this, we opted for the holistic approach (Botero at. Al, 2015; Hurtado, 2010) that seeks to contemplate several factors for the understanding of the object of study as natural, human and structural aspects relevant to a general evaluation of the beach as a tourist product. This is a systematic review of the literature carried out at Portal Capes using the Proknow-C method (Ensslin et al., 2010) whose bibliographic portfolio resulted in 8 international articles by 23 authors from different nationalities and international journals. In the treatment of the data, bibliometric analysis and the content analysis technique were used (Bardin, 2004). After this literature review, it was possible to indicate the main studies on beach quality in the last five years and to compare their methodologies, indicators, variables and contributions to the studies that relate the quality of beaches to Tourism. It was concluded that there is no consensus on the dimensions and variables analyzed, however, some variables such as water quality, infrastructure, among others, are repeated and can be complemented with other indicators. Thus, it is recommended to create specific indexes to assess the tourist quality of the beaches using methodologies that help both public management and the process of choosing the beach by tourists.



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Author Biographies

Rafaella Soares Espínola, UFRN

Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (UFPB). Graduada em Turismo (UFPB) e Relações Internacionais (UEPB), Brasil. Doutoranda no programa de pós graduação em Turismo (PPGTUR/UFRN), Brasil. Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4751012040434788. E-mail: rafaella.s.espinola@gmail.com

Sérgio Marques Jr, UFRN

Doutor em Agronomia (UNESP). Mestrado em Agronomia (USP). Graduação em Engenharia Agronômica (USP), Brasil. Professor da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Membro permanente do programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo Stricto Sensu (PPGTUR/UFRN), Brasil.


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How to Cite
Espínola, R. S., & Marques Jr, S. (2021). QUALITY INDEXES OF TOURIST BEACHES: A LITERATURE REVIEW FOR TOURISM STUDIES (2014 - 2019). ATELIÊ DO TURISMO, 5(1), 1-21. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufms.br/index.php/adturismo/article/view/12153