Lazer no meio rural e turismo de experiência na perspectiva da comunidade de São Bernardo, Maranhão
The dialogue between the tourist activity and the rural space broadens the reflections on the possibilities of transforming the cultural heritage of the communities into products for the consumption of visitors. Based on this knowledge, this research aims to analyze rural leisure as a tourist attraction in the view of residents of the municipality of São Bernardo, Maranhão, Brazil. The following specific objectives seek to discuss a relationship between rural leisure and tourist experience, to identify residents 'views on leisure in rural areas and to list opportunities for the development of experiential tourism based on the residents' recreational experiences. The adopted methodology consisted of bibliographic and field research. Semi-structured interviews wereconducted with residents to residents of the rural area. Data collection took place between December 2020 and January 2021, totaling 35 interviews. The information was analyzed using the descriptive statistical method and content analysis (Bardin, 2004). The information was analyzed using content analysis (Bardin, 2004). It was found that the informants have a broad view of leisure as a dimension of social life. Rural leisure wasperceived as an element of tourist attractiveness, and actions to promote experience tourism could be developed. The research points to the need to expand studies on the dimension of leisure in rural areas and initiatives in favor of a greater articulation between public leisure policies and the socioeconomic development of rural areas.
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