O Mercado Turístico Global Na Perspectiva Geográfica de Milton Santos

  • Orlando Alcobia Sem afiliação
Keywords: Tourism development, peripheral countries, socio-spatial effects, local strategies


In the present century, tourism has appeared as one of the most powerful economic activities at a global level. In this context, this article observes the phenomenon of tourist globalization in light of Milton Santos' geographical thought. Explains the globalization of tourism from the business point of view, the established geographical inequalities, the dependency effect, the heterogeneity of socio-spatial impacts, the control of tourism flows and the peripheral countries countervailing strategies. Methodologically it makes use of the Milton Santos works’ literature review and his disciples such as Maria Laura Silveira, supporting their understandings with statistical data from organizations such as the World Tourism Organization, World Travel & Tourism Council, ANAC, among others. It notes that tourism globalization takes place on the transnational corporations wings, which come from central countries and have the mastery of technological capital, fostering inequalities between countries and reinforcing the classic effect of dependency. It concludes that in order to break free from the central marketing moorings, peripheral countries must develop tourism development strategies based on endogenous, local and regional perspectives, rejecting the mimicry of models imposed by international hegemonic agentes.


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Author Biography

Orlando Alcobia, Sem afiliação

PhD in Tourism (line of research in regional development) by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Master's Degree in Strategic Management of Tourism Destinations by the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies and Bachelor's Degree in Hotel Management by the University of Algarve. From 2009 to 2017, was Assistant Professor at the Inhambane Higher School of Hospitality and Tourism from Eduardo Mondlane University. As a researcher , is interested in the management of tourist destinations and their contribution to the social development of the receiving communities, the role of the hotel sector for the same purpose, the empowerment and emancipation of the most disadvantaged, the sustainability and valorization of the tourist territories' cultural heritages, especially when associated with developing countries.


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How to Cite
Alcobia, O. (2021). O Mercado Turístico Global Na Perspectiva Geográfica de Milton Santos. ATELIÊ DO TURISMO, 5(2), 245-264. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufms.br/index.php/adturismo/article/view/13703