Soundscape of Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy, Londrina, PR: sensations and perceptions
This article presents sounds as sensory components of the landscape through the concept of soundscape, defined by Salgueiro (2001) and Dardel (2011) as a mental and intentional formation, built from the subjects' bodily relationship with the sound elements present in the acoustic space, as well as with other subjects. The spatial focus of the research takes place in the Parque Estadual “Mata dos Godoy”, a Conservation Unit (UC) located in the city of Londrina/PR, classified in the management category of Integral Protection, according to the Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservaçã (SNUC). The objective of the research is to present the soundscape as an instrument of environmental education and remote visitation so that the Park remains a reference in the conservation of the Atlantic Forest, as well as an area for the protection of regional natural resources. Fieldwork was carried out seeking to record the sounds when traveling along the three trails of the Conservation Unit. Based on the IAPI Method (Indicators of Attractiveness of Interpretive Points), the sections of the trails considered to have a greater interpretive potential and variety of sound emitting sources were listed. With a professional sound recorder, sound panoramas were recorded, later processed and made available in the form of an audio on an online platform. From listening to the soundscape of the Park, the subjects were able to exercise their human capacity to experience the landscape and awareness of the sounds expressed in the landscapes, identifying the main sources of sound and, consequently, experiencing the landscape of Mata dos Godoy in a remote and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
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