#Bonito: the destination Bonito (Mato Grosso do Sul) on the social network instagram using the hashtag marker
There are several tourist destinations and market segments in the scenario of global competition. In this context of high competitiveness, the use of technological strategies and the promotion of connections with the customer are fundamental. Understanding that information and communication technology (ICT) and digital media can work together with tourist spaces, in order to promote these places, this article intends to analyze the posts on the social network Instagram of the tourist destination Bonito, from the hashtag marker. Therefore, at first, a bibliographic survey was carried out for the theoretical construction of the topics covered. Subsequently, we sought to monitor the statistical data of the hashtags #bonitoms, #bonitomsoficial and #visitbonito through the Keyhole software; and analyze the comments of the most liked post of each investigated hashtag. In this way, the research allowed us to identify the importance and dimension that the social network Instagram has in the dissemination and promotion of destinations today and to understand some of the images projected and perceived by tourists in relation to the destination studied. It is hoped, therefore, that the present research can bring a compilation of the image of the destination Bonito, through Instagram, during the Covid-19 pandemic, and also assist in the planning and marketing management for this destination.
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