Foucauldian discourse social practice as a lens for a (dis) investigative journey in tourism
Foucault is a scholar who revolutionizes the interpretation of reality in the second half of the 20th century. The scope of his work often places the analyst subject who uses it in a challenging and courageous position, as the Foucauldian perspective demands a multiplicity of perspectives, most of which are imperceptible to structured approaches to analysis. Looking at the tourism, understanding it as a complex and multidisciplinary phenomenon, opens up the possibility of observation through Foucauldian technologies. A fact that can become very dear to his epistemology. This study proposes to analyze Foucault's discursive social practice as an analytical lens for tourism. For that, both a Narrative Literature Review (RNL) and a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) were used. From specific boolean operators on the world wide web, such as: foucauldian and tourism; the discursive social practice of tourism: a view from the Foucauldian perspectives; discursive social practice and tourism and Foucauldian perspective; foucauldian and tourism; and, Foucault built the investigation. Access to the contents took place through different presentation formats, namely: publications in journals, conference proceedings, as well as theses and dissertations constructed in Stricto Sensu postgraduate programs. The findings demonstrate that observing reality under Foucault's logic requires the subject to access the field of critical tourism in a position that places him beyond criticism itself, since his observation needs to be inter and multidisciplinary, going beyond the structure of disciplines. It is also evident that such practices are circumstances better observed in studies of the 21st century, and that many of the studies that take tourism as a field of observation from Foucauldian discursive social practice are still led by researchers from other areas of knowledge that are not tourism itself. Being an observation gap for the epistemology of tourism.
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