Favela tourism: an analysis on the tourist experience of visiting Rocinha-RJ
Favela tourism is a controversial segment in the field of tourism studies. Tourism, conceptualized as mass combined with conventional tourism, was predominant in the tourist business movement, which, unlike non-mass or conventional alternative tourism, would be attributed to smaller businesses. Favela tourism, like alternative tourism, progressively develops trends concerning individual and special interests. Some are against it due to the gourmetization or transformation of the needy population on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro into an attraction as a form of "human safari." On the other hand, some defend it using the potential financial benefit for communities as a point of view. Thus, this work intends to refrain from entering into this discussion but to identify this type of tourism as authentic and determine if the identified authenticity motivates the visitation experience. As a research object, Favela da Rocinha was chosen. To achieve these objectives, we used the content analysis of the reviews made by tourists who experienced this attraction, forming a corpus of 17,122 words contained in the 261 reviews left by users of the tours in the period from 2010 to 2021 on TripAdvisor. The VOSviewer software did the text mining to identify patterns and, consequently, assist in interpreting the results. Thus, the research is characterized by a qualitative approach. As a result, three clusters were identified, namely: "attractive", "opportunity" and "tour", respectively linked to the constructs "motivation", "authenticity" and "tourist experience". As a consequence, a conceptual model was proposed to facilitate the study's visualization and the confirmation of the propositions. The study showed that the search for authenticity is a motivating factor to visit Favela da Rocinha, and this "authenticity" factor is linked to cultural and interpersonal motivation. That is, the tourist wants to know what is different and what is not part of their daily life, especially in the scope of landscape activities, which becomes a motivating factor in the tourist experience.
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