Cerrado, pantanal and hospitality in Campo Grande, M.S.
The Cerrado constitutes approximately a quarter of the Brazilian territory and has abundant vegetation, with about 12,000 catalogued plant species. Pantanal is also made up of species from other regions of Brazil and South America, but the number of species is smaller than in the Cerrado. Seeking to answer whether there is use of native fruits from Cerrado and Pantanal in the breakfast menu of hotels in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, the main objective of the study was to identify which native fruits from these two biomes are used in the breakfast menus of hotels in the capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande. Through literature review and data collection in a qualitative-quantitative perspective, the research dealt with the questioning of hotels in Campo Grande, registered and active in the Brazilian Association of the Hotel Industry-ABIH-MS, regarding their breakfast services. Of these, 27% participated in the survey, among which it was possible to confirm that the most common fruits offered at breakfast are: Jabuticaba, Guavira, Jatobá, Bocaiuva, Jenipapo and Pequi, while other typical dishes such as Saltenha, Chipa and Sopa Paraguaya also turned out to be part of most of the local menus. The greatest difficulty encountered by these hotels in offering dishes with native fruits has been the access to regional fruits and, secondly, the lack of interest of tourists in fruits. The valorization of heritage as a reinforcement of the identity of a certain geographic space through local elements is very important and, therefore, this work attempts to demonstrate the relevance of the valorization through the use of fruits from the Cerrado and the Pantanal in the breakfast of hotels in Campo Grande, M.S.
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