Insertion of vegan practices in the operation of an accommodation in the context of sustainable development

Keywords: Hospitality, Accommodation, Veganism, Sustainability, Vegan Tourism


Veganism is a social movement based on the ideology of animal liberation and includes different practices, the most popular of which is its dietary regime. The travel market has been adapting to this new public interest and incorporating such practices into its operations, which leads to the following question: how can practices considered vegan contribute to sustainability in a hotel? In this sense, the objective of this research is to investigate the application of vegan practices through accommodation in the context of sustainable development. To this end, a qualitative methodological approach of an exploratory-descriptive nature was used. We opted for the case study method, which included a bibliographical research on the themes involved and a semi-structured interview with the representative of an accommodation facility associated with veganism. The data were analyzed based on the ‘sustainability’ category, suggested in the study by Oliveira and Conti (2022). Among the results found, we noticed, mainly, the search to minimize the damage caused to the environment, through practices aimed at animal liberation, and the greatest concern for the local community and its quality of life. Furthermore, the theoretical advancement of this research provides new possibilities for research in the field of hospitality and tourism, while presenting a set of socio-political and environmental practices relevant to the more sustainable operation of a hotel and to attracting vegan and other guests. individuals concerned with current socio-environmental issues


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Author Biographies

Romário Loffredo de Oliveira, UFRRJ

PhD Candidate in Tourism (PPGTUR/EACH-USP). Substitute Professor of the Hospitality course at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).

Bruna Ranção Conti, UNIRIO

PhD in Public Policies, Strategies, and Development (PPED/UFRJ). Professor of the Tourism course at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).


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How to Cite
Oliveira, R. L. de, & Conti, B. R. (2024). Insertion of vegan practices in the operation of an accommodation in the context of sustainable development. ATELIÊ DO TURISMO, 8(1), 306 - 327.