Organized tourism is a practice of socioeconomic and cultural contribution relevant to local development. However, it is necessary to plan and structure the conservation areas so that they do not cause damage to the environment. Thus, this objective study analyzes the contribution of tourism in the local development of the Cachoeira do Urubu Ecological Park region, between the cities of Batalha and Esperantina-PI, as well as investigating whether the occurrences in a sustainable manner in the environment and in the population involved. For the development of the work, bibliographic searches, on-site observation and information conversations were made with the requirements for use on the spot. It should be noted that tourism in the Cachoeira de Urubu Ecological Park is of great importance for social, economic and cultural development, however, it needs to be benefited by an adequate planning with participative management, to perform in benefits for both the natural environment, tourists and the local population involved.
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