Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Skills, Entrepreneurial Intent, Planned Behavior, University


Entrepreneurial education develops in individuals the ability to recognize opportunities, take risks and seek the new. Such capabilities are enhanced by the development of self-confidence and proactivity, entrepreneurial behavior is a proposed solution for the labor market in crisis, especially in periods of economic and social planning. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TCP), this study analyzes the influence of entrepreneurial skills on entrepreneurial intention (EI). The sample consisted of 130 students regularly enrolled in the undergraduate course in Business Administration at Universidade Federal Fronteira Sul. For that, a descriptive research was used, with a quantitative approach, through a survey, for analysis of the results it was used the analysis of multiple linear regression. The results indicated the existence of a strong influence of entrepreneurial skills on entrepreneurial intention. This result is explained by the TCP, in which it is observed that the competencies and entrepreneurial intention are directly influenced by the individual's life experiences. Entrepreneurial education proved to be important to improve entrepreneurial skills, but it did not have a significant direct influence on EI. The study contributes by highlighting that Business Administration students who have greater entrepreneurial skills are more likely to open and manage a new business.


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