A look at the social role of graphic design during the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985)

Keywords: socially engaged graphic design, civil-military dictatorship, graphic memory, history of brazilian design


By studying the Brazilian sociopolitical context between 1964 and 1985, this paper, as research in the history of design, contributes with knowledge about oppositional graphic manifestations produced during the civil-military dictatorship. Adopting the line of research in graphic memory, analyzes are made of three representative artifacts of the time, aiming to indicate how communication and visual language, through aesthetic-formal and symbolic elements, transmits messages of a socio-political-ideological nature in an assertive and responsible manner.


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Author Biographies

André Matias Carneiro, Design School - State University of Minas Gerais (ED/UEMG)

He is currently a doctoral candidate (CAPES scholarship holder) in the Postgraduate Program in Design at the State University of Minas Gerais (PPGD - UEMG), with a project in graphic memory. He holds a master's degree in design from the same institution. He is part of the research group 'Center for Studies in Theory, Culture and Research in Design' (C&T Design - UEMG) since 2018. Graduated in Design from the State University of Bahia (2017) with exchange period in Ireland (2014-2015), where he studied Visual Communication at IADT - Dun Laoghaire. Maintains a personal project entitled PEXAFEMA, aimed at the production of illustrations and graphic artifacts. Research areas: illustration, emotional design, visual language, editorial design, graphic memory and socially engaged graphic design.

Maria Regina Álvares Correia Dias, Design School - State University of Minas Gerais (ED/UEMG)

She has a degree in Industrial Design from FUMA / MG, a master's degree in Production Engineering and a doctorate in Engineering and Knowledge Management at UFSC. She is a professor in the undergraduate, masters and doctoral courses at the School of Design - UEMG, where she also coordinates the Center for Theory, Culture and Research Studies (T&C Design). Research areas: History of design in Minas Gerais; Materials, language and design; Theory, culture and research in Design; Methods and innovation in Design; Ergonomics, Usability and Interfaces.

Marcelina das Graças de Almeida, Design School - State University of Minas Gerais (ED/UEMG)

She has a degree in History, a Masters in History and a Doctorate in History (2007) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), carried out through exchange scholarship granted by CAPES in partnership with the Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique, Porto, Portugal. Professor in the undergraduate and graduate courses at the School of Design of the State University of Minas Gerais (ED/UEMG). Coordinator of the ASI - Sound and Image Archive, located at the Center for Studies in Image Design, Escola de Design, UEMG. Teaching experience in the area of ​​History and Philosophy, working in the investigation of the following themes: history of culture and art, memory and history of cities and research methodology and history of design and material culture.


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How to Cite
MATIAS CARNEIRO, A.; ÁLVARES CORREIA DIAS, M. R.; DAS GRAÇAS DE ALMEIDA, M. A look at the social role of graphic design during the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985). albuquerque: journal of history, v. 14, n. 27, p. 85-104, 30 Jun. 2022.