Tourism formation in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and its approach to indigenous issues
The states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul have, in addition to their natural tourism potential, a large number of indigenous groups, rich in culture and with attributes capable of making them part of the tourism chain. However, it is striking that they are hardly included in what is called indigenous tourism, a fact that generates the curiosity to find out if the indigenous themes are being worked on with students of tourism or related careers in these states, considering they will be the future planners of tourism in the region. Thus, the main objective of this study is to discuss how indigenous cultural issues are presented during the formation process of tourism professionals in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso. Methodologically, the study used bibliographic research, documentary analysis (Pedagogical Projects of the courses in the region) and field work conducted with the coordinators of the tourism courses, as well as with some academics, to identify the formative actions related to indigenous culture that are currently being developed. As results, it was observed that indigenous potentiality does exist in the region. Basically, there are no significant public involvement to the development of indigenous tourism on the studied states. Educational institutions continue to treat the subject within a transversal perspective and do not have specific subjects for these discussions. Projects are almost nonexistent. Academics perceive the urgency of these discussions, including the fact that these institutions have indigenous students. It’s clear the need of developing a review of the pedagogical projects of the courses, as well as the construction of partnerships State-University, in order to provide a participatory tourism development, assisted in indigenous lands, is evident.
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