Performance of tourism research groups located in Public Educational Institutions in Northeast Brazil: Internationalization, projects and perspectives
This research aims to identify the internationalization actions and the realization of projects in Tourism research groups of Higher Education Institutions in Northeast Brazil. This is a descriptive-exploratory study with a quali-quantitative approach, with a universe composed by 46 tourism research groups. The sample comprises researchers from 12 tourism research groups from 8 Higher Education Institutions distributed in four states. Data collection unfolded through data extracted from the Directory of Research Groups/CNPq that shows the profile of the groups, and from an online form that allowed identifying the priorities of themes addressed in the lines of research of these groups and, to verify internationalization actions and the execution of projects. As for the results, the state of Sergipe concentrates the largest number of research groups in tourism in the Northeast and the time of operation of the majority is 5 years, denoting a recent scenario in consolidation, possibly rooted by the increase in postgraduate courses Stricto Sensu. The most researched lines and their priority themes are management, marketing, planning and public policies. Internationalization is timid, since, even with foreign researchers in its composition, this initiative does not promote significant results for what is expected from this dimension. In turn, more than half of the research groups in the sample carried out, on average, 6 to 10 projects each. Which resulted in 33 tourist products of a technical and scientific nature, especially scientific articles, and inventories, in the last five years (2017-2021). As final considerations, it is clear that most operate with a small number of scholarship students, revealing the low investment in financial resources, which makes it difficult to act and expand knowledge and research on tourism.
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