The performance of the hotel sector in the competitiveness of the destination of Inhambane, Mozambique
Studies show that the hotel industry can be relevant to the competitiveness of a tourist destination. The municipality of Inhambane-Mozambique, due to its tourism potential, requires a more in-depth analysis of how its hotel structure affects its competitiveness. In view of this, the present study aims to analyze the influences of the performance of the hotel sector on the competitiveness of the municipality of Inhambane, Mozambique. For that, a qualitative and quantitative research was carried out, in which data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire, with open and closed questions, applied in person to 36 managers of different hotel enterprises. Data were analyzed using categorical content analysis. The results showed that, regarded to hotel performance, which was evaluated from the Balanced Scorecard, some aspects have satisfactory rates, although there is a need of accurate observation. It was also observed that others have low rates, requiring further development by the responsible managers. Regarding the competitiveness of the destination, the indicators from the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report were used as a basis, showing that the pillar of travel and tourism policies and favorable conditions presented a greater number of indicators that receive a stronger influence from hotel performance.
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